(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

Another Plus for Gay Rights

It may be baby steps towards true equality, but the fact that this book is available is a positive sign: “Bareed Mista3jil,” Arabic for “Mail in a Hurry,” is a collection of 41 true stories of women grappling with coming out, religion, family...

Latin-ing Lebanese

The Lebanese Language Institute has decided to latinize “Lebanese” Arabic: The Lebanese Language Institute (LLI) is a non-profit organization that is committed to provide the resources and the means to teach  the “Modern Lebanese Language” worldwide. The...

"Shoo Habibi? Yalla"

An incredible discovery from Australia: Lebanese Australians have a dialect which gives them an identity separate from Anglo-Australians and their own cultures… No! I don’t beleive it! I would have never guessed. Though apparently this Lebanese...