(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

You’ve all probably woke up to the news of six-storey aluminum factory that collapsed in Zouk Mosbeh. As I type this, reports are coming in of the three missing in the collapse – one has been located though it will take sometime to free him. The other two, both Indian nationals are still unaccounted for and are believed to be located on the ground floor of the building.

What I would like to highlight is the discrepancies between what is said and the pictures that we are receiving. Primarily this quote raises questions:

“We are also concerned about the surrounding buildings, which are all factories and are subject to continuous shaking and vibrations,” [Brigadier General Darwish] Hobeika said.

But then the same AFP article carries this photo:

From AFP: Isn't that a residential building?

From AFP: Isn't that a residential building?

Isn’t that a residential building adjacent to the factory that collapsed? How could all the surrounding buildings be factories when clearly the photo shows otherwise? Either Brigadier General Darwish (who is heading the rescue mission) was misquoted or that this picture is not of the collapse. What would be worse is that Brigadier General Darwish is not on the ground and has no idea what is happening.