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A jet safety campaign launched by Australia’s New South Wales Maritime department has hit a sour note with the United Australian Lebanese Movement (UALM) claiming it to be racist. According to reports:

As part of its Multicultural Jet Ski Safety Awareness campaign, the department hired Lebanese comedian Rob Shehadie as its frontman for a series of posters and a YouTube video.

Here is the poster in question:

The 'Offensive' poster from a NSW maritime jet ski safety campaign. (NSW Maritime)

The 'Offensive' poster from a NSW maritime jet ski safety campaign. (NSW Maritime)

The UALM found offense in the slogans “tell your cousins in the dozens” and “tuk it easy”. I don’t know about you but I find it quite funny. Honestly, Lebanese migration patterns usually focus on keeping close to the extended family and we do like to stress on our letters. Though the perception could be generational:

…young people may find the slogan funny, but older jet skiers do not want to be stereotyped.

What are your thoughts? Is the UALM going overboard with their claims?