(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

Texas, USA

It may be the start of a new year, but it seems that old habits die hard:

This New Year’s Eve, do yourself and your pets a favor. Make sure that every pet is indoors and safe. Most pets hate fireworks, and if your neighborhood is like mine, it will sound like Beirut in the 80′s for several hours on New Year’s Eve.

Another fireworkBeirut comparison brought to you by animal welfare specialist Shannon Hill. We thank you Shannon and please accept this certificate ringing in the new year with the same cliche that has been used for over a decade.

Looks Like Beirut Certificate for Shannon Hill

Looks Like Beirut Certificate for Shannon Hill

And with that, I will leave you with more firework-related looks like Beirut comments:

From Hawaii, USA: “[The firework ban] was definitely a difference locally,” Nyna Weiser, Foster Village resident, said. “As you’re walking down the street, it didn’t seem like Beirut.”

@karnib_za: Watching the fireworks over Durban. Chatsworth looks like Beirut being bombed.

Fire Works in Bourj Hammoud

Fire Works in Bourj Hammoud -- via flickr