(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, olive oil would be it.

In an interview with Refinery29, folk band (and now Grammy winners) Bon Iver had a true bromance moment when Justin Vernon and his friends (co-managers, Nate Vernon and Kyle Frenette, and audio-engineer, Brian Joseph) were describing each other’s manners:

Refinery29: You guys have known each other for a long time and have pretty different looks. Describe each other’s style – no holds barred.


Justin: “Okay I’ll describe Brian’s look. So Brian is balding….”

Refinery29: Harsh

Brian: “It’s okay, ha, I am.”

Justin: “But he’s also really good-looking and he’s Lebanese and he wears really dark colors and he puts olive oil on his skin.”

Nate: “You do!?”

Brian: “Yeah, every day.”

Justin: “Yeah he does! I think that’s a style too — I mean he always smells good…and he has really expensive backpacks. Great bags, basically!”

There you have it. I’ve heard of olive skin but olive oil as a skin lotion seems quite out there. You’ll probably never look at a bowl of tabbouleh the same way again.

Bon Iver

Bon Iver -- via flickr