(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

You’d think after you’ve crossed the threshold of age 8, you shouldn’t experience such childish behavior:

 A Lebanese man recounted in court on Tuesday how his ex-boss libelled him on Facebook and claimed he incurred “enormous damages” on what he described as the UAE’s primary e-social networking tool…”The suspect, who posted the comments, called me bad names such as thief and stupid,” the Lebanese claimant, A.R., told Presiding Judge Ebrahim Khalil Abu Shamma yesterday.

You think that’s bad, here’s what his Syrian ex-boss had to say:

“Your Honour, please let me explain what happened. I had a partnership with his brother in a restaurant … later I discovered that he was stealing the money from the cashier. He also used to inform customers that the restaurant had been sold and that I had nothing to do with the restaurant anymore. His behaviour provoked me and that’s why I posted the comments on Facebook.”

If you have kids, you’re all probably familiar with the “He Called Me Stipud…Well, He Started It” song and dance. I guess you never really grow out of it.