(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

Over My Dead Body

We Lebanese are famous for flouting rules in our home country while strictly abiding by them when abroad. I can think of hundreds of examples such as smoking bans, traffic rules, and electricity theft to name a few. But we  have a much darker side: disrespect for our...

Reading the Enemy

No, its not that the Hezbollah-coerced ban on Anne Frank’s Diary has been lifted; actually its the other way around: Books translated in “hostile countries” will soon be allowed to be sold in Israel, after the Ministerial Committee for Legislation...

A Little Money Goes a Long Way

Having a little money lying around and want to help someone out. Well, here’s one idea: Sixty people from around the world are partners in a $1,500 loan to a woman in Lebanon who needed a new refrigerator for her grocery store. [Bennett Samuel and Ashley Luse...

Another Plus for Gay Rights

It may be baby steps towards true equality, but the fact that this book is available is a positive sign: “Bareed Mista3jil,” Arabic for “Mail in a Hurry,” is a collection of 41 true stories of women grappling with coming out, religion, family...

Beirut Map Puts Abu Dhabi on Arts Map

Abu Dhabi is working quite hard to establish itself as the cultural center of the Arabian Gulf with offshoots of the Louvre and Guggenheim sprouting up on the island with the map of Beirut making its debut: Marwan Rechmaoui’s “Beirut Caoutchouc”, a map of Lebanon’s...

Gambling Your Education

I’m sure you’ve all heard it before. Lebanon boosts the best universities in the Middle East … blah, blah, and so on. Well, I think our selection of higher education has just got better when I found this in my Inbox this morning: In the event you...