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I received a link to an editorial from Peter Kharma. It was published over a month ago but it had a very condescending tone towards Lebanon. As Peter mentioned in his email, “it’s not about Beirut, but Lebanon as a whole”. The articles title? If Lebanon can enforce a smoking ban, why not Luxembourg?

A smoking ban in all closed public spaces, including coffee shops, restaurants and bars, went into force in Lebanon on Monday [September 3] under new legislation that promises hefty fines for lawbreakers. This overtakes Luxembourg, still in smoking-ban decision quandary that  seems to goes on and on.


Luxembourg now not only seriously lags behind many other European countries where smoking bans are in force, it seems that even some middle-east countries are overtaking the Grand Duchy!

A little patronizing don’t you think?

Smoking Ban: If Lebanon Can Do It, Why Can't Luxembourg

Smoking Ban: If Lebanon Can Do It, Why Can’t Luxembourg
Image by chadiyo via Flickr