(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

The news report begins as any sensationalist American news article would:

There’s an area in Northwest Houston you have to see to believe. The crime is so bad the city of Houston is now fighting a court battle to help get rid of it.

Residents say their community is so overrun with crime the criminals no longer try to hide. They say the criminals have taken over.

The neighborhood is called Tidwell is located close to downtown Houston, Texas. You know there’s going to be “looks like Beirut” comment when you see this:

There’s one abandoned apartment complex after another. Residents compare it to living in a war zone.

And here it comes:

“They’re simply afraid. Would you move in to a property that looks like that across the street? It looks like Beirut” says Tom Miller who owns an occupied apartment complex in the area.

As a result, I’ll have to create two certificates, one for Tom Miller and another for the reporter, Damali Keith, who seems to have been inspired by Tom to use the comparison “living in a war zone”.