(647) 519-2095 me@jadaoun.com

Important Notice: The website which I have linked to (the photos are also directly linked) has experienced some type of server meltdown which is why parts of my post seem incomplete. Their website is now back but apparently they lost their recent entries. This takes us to a very important topic: BACKUP! You need to constantly back-up your information – you never know when disaster might strike.
I will review their website regularly and make the appropriate repairs once its back online.

The only reference to Beirut is in the title of the post. The author is reviewing a new video game for the Nintendo Wii console, Marines: Modern Urban Combat.

The authors uses ‘Beirut’ to describe the type of battle areas you face in the game. So here’s a sample of what the author deems to be Beirut (I’ve included my own captions to help visualize the action):

Troops roaming the streets of Hamra

Firing from my Balcony in Ashrafieh

And here’s my all time favorite? Can you make out the store sign?

Its not in Arabic?!? This is not Beirut! LIAR!

I rest my case. So Mr. Donald R. D’Avanzo Jr, Owner & Sr Systems Engineer of L&C Sunshine Technology Services, you will be receiving a LLB Certificate very soon.